Back in October I took my 3rd trip to California for another performance. This time to one of the biggest festivals in the state, Thornton. This festival includes a huge Fado night on Friday night and a bullfight on Saturday night along with live entertainment. Before the show, I got to visit the beautiful city of San Francisico once more!! I had a lot of fun with my dad, a fellow Fadista Jeremias Macedo and his daughter Chelsea, and Jose Machado and his wife, who were nice enough to take the time to show us around before the show.
When it was time to finally time to perform, I got to meet up with "os 7 Colinas" again, Helder Carvalheira, Manuel Escobar, and Joao Cardadeiro. There were between 700-800 people in the hall, completely silent and appreciative of Fado. The stage was beautifully set up. Everything was done professionally and with class.

* Click on the article above to see a clearer image of it.*

I had a great time and met so many people including some who I had previously met in my show at Gilroy back in April. Unfortunately I was only in California for the day and I had to fly back immediately the next morning. I was a little upset I didn't get to see the bullfight but hopefully I'll have another opportunity to come back to the festival.
(A special thank you to "Os 7 Colinas" and VIP Audio Productions!!)
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