Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Adelina Ramos

Fadista Adelina Ramos, owner of the traditional Fado restaurant "A Tipóia" and creator of the popular Fado "Não Passes Com Ela à Minha Rua," passed away on Saturday, July 26 "no Casa do Artista" at the age of 82.

At her restaurant, Fadistas such as Teresa Tarouca, Carlos Ramos, Maria da Fé, and many others, were regular performers. "A Tipóia" was a favorite spot of the great Alfredo Marceneiro.

Her death was announced today though she was buried on Monday. Fans are infuriated that the news was not revealed earlier and that they were not able to pay their last respects.

About Adelina Ramos from "Lisboa no Guiness"

Adelina Ramos, nasceu a 14 de Junho de 1916.

Foi uma­ das verda­deiras fadistas, que o Fado conheceu.

Os Fados que ela cantava saíam-lhe da garganta onde o bairrismo alfa­cinha, puro e nato, tem todo o encanto pitoresco da genuína expressão fadista!
Ade­lina Ramos soube conservar-se humildemente, uma grande fadista!

Ao ouvi-la cantar o «menor», o «cor­rido», o «meia-noite», etc., afirmavam os seus admiradores:

Sente-se o que ela canta, no mo­dular espontâneo e natural das frases musicais, que lhe saem da garganta, como saem – isto é que é Fado, meus senhores... – ela dá-nos toda uma gama de sentimentos e emoções que no Fado procura­mos e admiramos. Em noite grande, Adelina empolga, can­ta a garganta, cantam os olhos, cantam os gestos… E, quase sem nos apercebermo-nos, suavemente fi­camos presos na magia da sua voz, que nos embala a alma, dizendo-nos coisas de amor, de saudade, de ciúme, de re­volta... Sentimo-nos extasiados, fere-nos a carícia da sua voz a desvendar-nos esse mundo íntimo e profundo, que palpita em todos nós, e só o Fado consegue revelar.

Adelina Ramos foi proprietária do Restaurante Típico “A Tipóia”, recinto por onde passaram quase todos os grandes nomes da época, quer de fadistas, quer figuras de relevo da sociedade de então.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fernanda Baptista

Fado has lost one of its great deliverers this morning, July 25th, Fernanda Baptista.

At the age of 89, Fernanda Baptista died in a hospital in Cascais, Portugal.

Fernanda Baptista will be remebered for the 65 years that she dedicated her life as a Fadista and actress. She starred in more than 50 musicals, recorded hundreds of records, and took our national song to different stages around the world.

She will be missed, remembered, and will live on through her music.

Fernanda Baptista's Biography from

Lisboa, 28 Set (Lusa) - Vários dos êxitos da fadista Fernanda Baptista, nomeadamente "Fado toureiro" e "Saudades de Júlia Mendes", são reeditados num duplo CD pela Movieplay Portuguesa, a 03 de Outubro.

O duplo CD reúne êxitos gravados pela fadista desde a década de 1960 à de 1980 para a etiqueta Riso&Ritmo, já extinta.

A gravação mais antiga, "Ai! Que saudade" (João Gomes/Carlos Rocha), data de 1967, sendo a fadista acompanhada pelo conjunto de guitarras de Jorge Fontes.

A gravação mais recente é de 1981, "Meus amigos, isto é fado", um êxito seu na revista "Dentadinhas na maçã" no Teatro Laura Alves, em Lisboa, em 1974.

Nesta edição, aquela que a imprensa qualificou de "maior voz do teatro de revista", surge acompanhada por várias orquestras, nomeadamente sob a direcção de Shegundo Galarza, Ferrer Trindade e Rocha Oliveira.

Fernanda Baptista integra actualmente o elenco do musical de Filipe la Feria "A Canção de Lisboa".

"Fernanda Baptista é um exemplo de longevidade do êxito. Poucos nomes se têm mantido como cabeça de cartaz e na plenitude das suas capacidades como ela", salientou à agência Lusa Julieta Estrela, presidente da Associação Portuguesa dos Amigos do Fado (APAF). Segundo a mesma fonte, a cantora "é dona de uma magnífica voz e criou êxitos que fazem a história do fado".

Alguns desses êxitos, como "O fado está-lhe nas veias", "Ai, ai, Lisboa", "Fado para esta noite", "Trapeiras de Lisboa", "Fui ao baile", "Fado das sombras", "Um fado para Stuart" e "Fado da carta", serão incluídos no duplo CD que será editado a 03 de Outubro.

Fernanda Baptista, 85 anos, estreou-se em 1945 na revista "Banhos de Sol".

Em declarações à Lusa a fadista afirmou: "A revista tinha excelentes compositores e letristas e as canções saíam para a rua com uma enorme facilidade. Tive de facto muitos êxitos".

Ema Pedrosa, responsável pela selecção da antologia, disse à Lusa que, "se na sua altura fossem entregues discos de ouro e platina, Fernanda Baptista tinha os suficientes para forrar a casa, tantos os seus verdadeiros sucessos populares".

"A sua voz potente, brilhante e expressiva, de timbre e extensão invulgares, serviu os mais variados autores, no que ajudou a sua espontaneidade em palco e a maneira fácil de comunicar com o público", rematou.

Ao longo de 56 anos de palcos, Fernanda Baptista participou em mais de 45 espectáculos de revista e opereta.

Em 2003 o Presidente da República condecorou-a com a Ordem de Mérito, em 1999 a APAF tinha já distinguido com o diploma de Sócia de Mérito.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Helder Moutinho at Drom, NYC!!

Since May I've spent my every evening from Monday through Thursday in Accounting classes. But yesterday I played hookie for a good reason; I went to Drom in New York City to see one of the most important figures in Fado, Helder Moutinho.

I didn't find out he was coming to NYC until 2am, the morning of his performance, from an article I read on which I read regularly. I called a group together last minute and we made our way to the venue. The venue describes its setting as "Located in the East Village area of Manhattan, DROM is a multi-event venue with a restaurant and lounge. With high ceilings, earthy colors and comfortable seating, we aim to provide a warm, inviting, sophisticated and informal atmosphere to relax and enjoy our multi-cultural and varied programming."-- And that they did. The location was intimate and appropriate for Fado.

A little after 10 pm, Helder Moutinho (Fadista), Ricardo Parreira (Portuguese Guitar), and Miguel Monteiro (Viola) began their performance with "Ha Festa Na Mouraria" followed by "Vielas De Alfama" then "Fado Isabel"... Each better and more intense than the next. Helder Moutinho is a captivating performer who takes notice of his audience. He spoke both in English and Portuguese for all to understand and even encouraged his American listeners to sing along with him in the international singing language of "Lalala!"

Besides from being a Fadista, he's written for other Fadistas such as Misia, Mafalda Arnauth, Maria Da Nazaré, Pedro Moutinho, Raquel Tavares, Joana Amendoeira, amungst others and also owns his own record label called "HM" which edits albums from such artists as Joana Amendoeira, Raquel Tavares, Argentina Santos, Jorge Fernando, Marco Oliveira, Ricardo Parreira, and other World Music performers, which he serves as an agent, producer, and manager.

I had the pleasure of performing with Helder during a few performances back when I was only 14 years old, but I was still learning and understanding Fado, so I appreciated his performance more so last night where he transmitted the emotions felt in Fado like only a true Fadista like himself is capable of accomplishing.

With him, the amazing guitarists that accompanied him, Ricardo Parreira and Miguel Monteiro, who treated us with two guitarradas! Ricardo Parreira (who like myself is 22) on the Portuguese guitar would effortlessly play challenging pieces while Miguel Monteiro responded to the Portuguese guitar while including unique passages in the traditional Fados that Helder sang. The connection between the three musicians on stage was satisfying to see.

After about an hour of Fado, and "Lisboa a Noite" (his closing Fado), all three where nice enough to talk to us for about 45 minutes. Helder Moutinho and I reminisced about our performances together 6 years ago and his plans and projects in production. Diogo Arésnio and Michael DaSilva who also came to the show were especially treated. Diogo and Ricardo traded "unhas," the nail picks used to play the Portuguese guitar, and played a little guitar together while 10 feet away, Miguel Monteiro showed Michael his guitarra made by Gracio which apparently is a big deal. (There is a 10 year waiting list for one of these guitars.)

We had a great time and I'm so glad I found out about the show. It was refreshing to hear a male Fadista of his caliber in the U.S. where the Fado market is more female driven. Especially in the summer, when Fado is slightly out of touch. I wish every Thursday was this fun!

Click the pictures to enlarge

Helder Moutinho's Biography from

Helder Moutinho was born in 1969, in Oeiras, where the Tagus meets the Ocean, and maybe it was from this daily intimacy with the sea that came the major characteristic of his career: a multiple capacity of understanding and living his music, by singing, composing, producing, managing, constantly probing wider horizons, of solid and neat banks and rich, steady stream. From his family of old fado lovers, and from accompanying them to the traditional fado circles, he got not only his taste for this kind of song, but above all his determination to sing it, and so entering in fado's unique universe.

It was in Moutinho's late teens that, after getting familiar to other musical styles, fado began to take an increasing importance in his life. This is perhaps the reason to explain his enduring, inevitable relation with Lisbon… After the lifelong calling of the sea, now is Tagus River that requests him, revealing him Lisbon, the city of passions, of poetic and nostalgic nights, of high flying gulls that he will forever on sing and write about. He initially sang only to friends, but his gift could not remain hidden, and he soon got his first invitation to sing in one of Bairro Alto's fado bars.

By this time, Moutinho's all latent talents began to show themselves. In reunions of fado singers, all night long, among other fado lovers, he began to sing his own lyrics that he would later include in his first album, Sete Fados e Alguns Cantos (Seven Fados and Some Songs).

Concurrently, Helder Moutinho began revealing himself in other and important activities: those of a manager, agent and music editor. The transition from singing in fado bars and in concerts - one must mention his participation in projects like Fados Mãe de Água, organized by Lisbon City Hall and included in "Lisbon 94 - European Capital of Culture", the Festima Festival at "Expo' 98", along with performances throughout Portugal and abroad - is a process that Moutinho himself can't explain - but soon the stress-free approach of his beginnings turned to become a deeper, compromised one.

His first record, released by Ocarina in 1999, got flattering notice from magazine "Strictly Mundial" (of the "World Music International Exibition"), and very good reviews from Portuguese and international press. From all these motives, his new release was eagerly expected, knowing that its lyrics were written, in their vast majority, by the singer himself, and that its process of creation and recording was like in Moutinho's first one: in the middle of tours, reunions, planning, and an enterprise of his own to manage. For this is like Helder Moutinho is: a man of many talents, with a voice and a soul he must absolutely share with us.

Menina Fadista!

During my performance na Casa Do Ribatejo in Newark, NJ back in November of last year, I surprised the audience with an exclusive duet with a very special guest. Her name is Raquel Santos. She was here on vacation in the United States with her family, (who are dear friends of my family and I) from Maia, Portugal. Apparently, she enjoys listening to my album and one Fado that she particularly favors is "O Namorico Da Rita" which she would constantly parade around the house singing.

One of the things she wanted to do during her trip to the U.S. was watch me sing during one of my performances. So when she finally got the chance to come, I asked the organization of the event if I could invite an extraordinary 4 year old to sing with me. They agreed and the audience loved it! Raquel very timidly sang the entire song, mostly by herself, even though it was WAY past her bedtime! It was definitely the highlight of the night. Turns out she was the youngest person Sr. Chuva and Sr. Mendonça ever accompanied throughout their whole Fado careers!

Below is the video of our short performance. Unfortunately because of how dark it was at the event, it was shot in night vision, either way I hope you enjoy it as much as the audience and I did that night!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Guitarras do Atlântico

Viriato Ferreira and Jose Silva, who most consider to be the best Fado guitarists in the United States, or North America even, have just released their first album entitled, "Guitarras do Atlântico." After accompanying many Fadistas from Lisbon such as Lenita Gentil, and Anita Guerreiro amungst many others, as well as local artists and accompanying such artists in recording dozens of albums (including mine), they finally decided to record their own! The album includes original guitarradas created by Jose Silva, as well as traditional guitarradas. I've been blessed to have the advice, guidance, and friendship of these two gentlemen and I recognize that most of my success has been thanks to them. I wish them all the best and recommend that you buy the album. If you are interested in acquiring one, let me know ( and I'll be your middleman!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Photo Shoot #2

On Saturday, I met up with the photographer responsible for the pictures on my album, "Corre-me O Fado Nas Veias," for another photo shoot. It wasn't Fado related but soon they will be posted on my website under the miscellaneous tab on the Photo section. I'm still not comfortable in front of the camera and I'm far from being a model but Carlos and Kelly made it fun and took some beautiful pictures. The pictures were taken to advertise accessories made by a friend of Kelly's around the city of Philadelphia. So here you go...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Summer of Fado...

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, but as the summer approaches, the sound of the guitars are drowned by the huge outdoor festivals in celebration of other Portuguese events. Even though things have been pretty slow on my end, the Fado world has been restless...

Raquel Tavares has recently released her second album, "Bairro," which includes a bonus DVD featuring her interpreting some of the tracks off her new album as well as an interview. I ordered her CD online and have yet to receive it, but from what I've seen on youtube, it's another step forward for the latest "revelation in Fado," Raquel Tavares. I've read articles about her performing in South America, but unfortunately I have yet to learn of any performances in the United States. :( Oh well, I'll just have to keep on watching her videos... Here's the video clip for her first single off her latest album, "Rosa da Madragoa.

Mariza has recently release her fourth album entitled "Terra." From what I've heard so far from the four tracks she's uploaded on her myspace profile, she seems to be stepping into other genres of music, such as Morna from Cape Verde, Flamenco from Spain, and even a taste of rumba on her first single off the album, "Rosa Branca." Her cover of that song is brilliant and it's been in my head since last Tuesday. She will be performing her new set on over 100 stages around the world and hopefully I'll be able to go see her when she comes to New York City.

Something I'm extremely excited about is that a movie based on the life of the late Diva of Fado, Amalia Rodrigues, has recently began its production and is said to be the most expensive movie ever made in Portugal! The movie will tell the story of Amalia's life, fame and pain. I think it's great that they're doing this, especially now that Fado seems to be getting more and more popular amongst the Portuguese population themselves. Production has already began but hopefully the movie will premiere in time for the 10 year anniversary of her death which will be October 6, 2009.

As for me, I had anticipated to dedicate a lot of my free time this summer to begin thinking about the possibility of a second album. So far, I'm still waiting for the free time... But Fado has been on my mind however and this weekend I had the pleasure of having a mini Fado Session with Sr. Viriato, Michael Da Silva, and Diogo Arsenio in my own backyard. Usually my agenda is free of performances in the summer but I just returned from Provincetown and in August I will perform in New Bedford, Massachusetts for two nights and I will fly out to California once again for a private event. I have some mini Fado plans and projects that I hope to get through this summer and I'll be sure to keep you posted as I go along...