On Sunday, os Artistas Unidos da America (A.U.A.) held an award ceremony for artists that recorded an album in 2007. The gala was full of artists, fans, and media. It was nice to see that artists that weren't nominated for an award were there to support each other. The show was well organized and will be broadcast on the Portuguese Channel in the New England area some time this month.
The big winner of the night was Jorge Silva with 4 awards. Dança Inglés "Cara Mia", Balada Inglés "Body to Body", Dança Português "Ana Maria", and Melhor Album de Musica Portuguesa "Ela Tem O Dor Fazer Chorar"
Raizes won in the Música Tradicional and Lusobeat's Online People's Choice Award Categories
Marc Dennis won Rock Português "Anos 70 e 80", and with Ana Lisa in the Duet category for "Foste Tu"
Jorge Ferreira won Best Marcha "Se Ela Encosta", and Best Baile "Deixa-me Ir Contigo"
Gilberto Cimbron won Álbum Humorístico
Arlindo Andrade won Balada Português "Dia de Casamento"
Luis Cabral won Instrumental "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights"
Eratoxica won Rock Inglés "Its OK"
Nelia won Melhor Album de Musica Portuguesa "Meu Mundo"
And me for my album "Corre-me O Fado Nas Veias" won Melhor Album de Fado

They also had a tribute to Jack Sebastião and awarded him with a Lifetime Achievement Award with a touching video of his performances and interviews.
I couldn't believe I won. I was sitting right next to Jeremias Macedo who was also nominated for the same award and I felt a little awkward when they called my name and announced that I won. He's been such a dear friend to me that it felt a little unfair. When I got on stage to receive my award I was overwhelmed with nerves because I didn't prepare a speech and I'm not the best public speaker especially when I'm under pressure. Honestly I don't really remember what I said and if I said it right. I was so busy trying to think about what to say that I don't think I realized how big of a deal it was until I looked at my dad. At the end of my speech I thanked him and told him that I dedicated the album to him so I wanted to dedicate the award to him as well, AND HE HAD TEARS IN HIS EYES!! My dad's one of those men that think that real men don't cry. In my 21 years of life I've only seen him cry 3 times. He was so proud. At that moment I realized how big of a deal it was and that this was one of the most important moments of my career.
Thank you, thank you, thank you:
Rob Leonardo (Digital Wave Multimedia), Sr. Viriato Ferreira, Sr. José Silva, Artistas Unidos da America, Vivian Francisco, Carlos & Kelly, Mom, Dad (No one worked harder on this album than you did) e toda a comunidade Portuguesa pelo vosso carinho e apoio!!!