I have been included in the list of today's artists in Fado.com!! I am in a list amongst so many Fadistas that I admire;
Ana Moura, Argentina Santos, Camane, Carlos Do Carmo, Cidalia Moreira, Katia Guerreiro, Mafalda Arnauth, Maria Ana Bobone, Mariza, Misia, Raquel Tavares, Ricardo Ribeiro, Rodrigo, Tereza Tarouca, and so many others....
Visit Fado.com to see for yourself!!
Ana Moura, Argentina Santos, Camane, Carlos Do Carmo, Cidalia Moreira, Katia Guerreiro, Mafalda Arnauth, Maria Ana Bobone, Mariza, Misia, Raquel Tavares, Ricardo Ribeiro, Rodrigo, Tereza Tarouca, and so many others....
Visit Fado.com to see for yourself!!
Nathalie Pires: Portugues
Nasceu a 29 de Abril de 1986. Manifestou desde muito jovem o gosto pela música e o canto, participando em todas as actividades relacionadas com a arte de expressar os sentimentos através de sons.
Frequentou a escola portuguesa, e estudou piano e voz, participando também em vários coros do Woodbridge High School, ganhando vários prémios a nível estadual e nacional.
Pode dizer-se que a Nathalie nasceu na música tendo como guia seu pai, um músico e cantor de longa data. Participou em várias actuações de música ligeira com seu pai, e também como solista. Cresceu numa casa onde o fado foi sempre apreciado, respeitado e ouvido com devoção.
A sua artista favorita é a saudosa Amália Rodrigues..
A Nathalie cantou fado desde muito tenra idade com acompanhamentos orquestrados, não obstante foi só aos 13 anos de idade que cantou acompanhada à viola e à guitarra, a convite do empresário português Sr. Jaime Simões, numa noite de fados por ele organizada na cidade natal da Nathalie, Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
E foi assim que tudo começou, já estava destinada o ser fadista. Após essa noite e apesar de ter sido convidada em repetidas ocasiões a cantar canções da música ligeira, a Nathalie passou a rejeitar ditos convites porque o FADO já tinha acontecido.
Passa a ser convidada a cantar fado em muitos palcos, acompanhada pelos mais diversos guitarristas e fadistas que a souberam acarinhar e encorajar, em maravilhosas noites de fado e amizade.
A imprensa fez comentários muito favoráveis a esta jovem fadista e o caminho ficou aberto para atingir novos horizontes.
Decorre o ano 2000, com catorze anos de idade é-lhe dada a oportunidade de actuar na Adega Machado, no Bairro Alto em Lisboa.
Apesar de ter sido uma actuação breve de apenas dois fados, foi marcante para a jovem fadista partilhar com a consagrada artista Maria José Valério, e pisar o palco onde tantos fadistas de raça deixaram a sua marca, incluindo a sua ídolo Amália Rodrigues.
A Nathalie tem actuado com frequência nos estados de New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island e Massachusetts.
O fado terá sempre um lugar privilegiado na sua vida e estará disposta a interpretar a canção nacional, sempre e quando lhe seja possível.

Nathalie Pires: English
Nathalie Pires was born to Portuguese immigrant parents on April 29, 1986.
Nathalie’s father, Telmo Pires, is a composer/musician and performed as a lead vocalist with several Portuguese bands in the United States for about 15 years. Nathalie’s parents had both emigrated from mainland Portugal to the United States of America in 1982, even though her grandfather Jaime Batista, was also born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, to Portuguese immigrants in 1931. The Batista and Pires families have been living in the U.S. since the early 1900’s.
Nathalie revealed her interest in music from a very early age, participating in all activities related with the art of expressing feelings through sounds. She attended the Portuguese school at the local Portuguese Club where she directed a children’s choir for the school, took piano and singing lessons, and she also participated in choirs such as Women’s Allstate Choir of New Jersey, Regional Choir of Central New Jersey, and several different Woodbridge High School choirs and theatrical plays, earning several awards at state and national level.
It’s right to say that Nathalie was born into music, she spent a lot of her childhood sleeping on the keyboard boxes backstage while her father performed, then later performed occasionally with her father since she was 6 years old, and also as a soloist since she was 9. She grew up in a house where fado music was always appreciated, respected and heard with devotion.
Nathalie is currently an accounting student, at Rider University in New Jersey.
Nathalie was accustomed to singing Fado and Pop songs backed with musical playbacks until she was 13 years old, and at that very age was when everything really happened, with an invitation from a Portuguese entrepreneur Mr. Jaime Simões, to sing accompanied by a “Portuguese Guitar” and a “Classical Guitar” for the very first time, in a fado night organized by Mr. Simões at the Portuguese Sporting Club, in Nathalie’s native city of Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
After that night, Nathalie was invited on repeated occasions to sing Pop songs, but she rejected all invitations, because a fadista (Fado singer) was finally born that night.
Accepting all invitations to sing Fado, she performed in many different stages accompanied by great guitarists and other Fadistas learning the essence of Fado on every performance.
The press made favorable commentaries about the young Fadista and a new path was created, opening the way to reach new horizons.
In 2000, at fourteen years old, she was given the chance to perform at a legendary and popular Fado restaurant “Adega Machado” located in Bairro Alto, Lisbon. Although it was a brief performance of only two fados, the young Fadista had the honor to perform with the famous singer Maria José Valério, and to step on the same stage where many great Fadistas from the past had left a priceless mark, including Nathalie’s idol the fado diva and very much missed, the late, ‘Amália Rodrigues’.
Nathalie often performs in the states of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts and has also performed in Ontario, Canada.
Fado will always have a privileged place in Nathalie’s life, and to sing Portugal’s soul music is a pleasure and an honor.
Nathalie’s father, Telmo Pires, is a composer/musician and performed as a lead vocalist with several Portuguese bands in the United States for about 15 years. Nathalie’s parents had both emigrated from mainland Portugal to the United States of America in 1982, even though her grandfather Jaime Batista, was also born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, to Portuguese immigrants in 1931. The Batista and Pires families have been living in the U.S. since the early 1900’s.
Nathalie revealed her interest in music from a very early age, participating in all activities related with the art of expressing feelings through sounds. She attended the Portuguese school at the local Portuguese Club where she directed a children’s choir for the school, took piano and singing lessons, and she also participated in choirs such as Women’s Allstate Choir of New Jersey, Regional Choir of Central New Jersey, and several different Woodbridge High School choirs and theatrical plays, earning several awards at state and national level.
It’s right to say that Nathalie was born into music, she spent a lot of her childhood sleeping on the keyboard boxes backstage while her father performed, then later performed occasionally with her father since she was 6 years old, and also as a soloist since she was 9. She grew up in a house where fado music was always appreciated, respected and heard with devotion.
Nathalie is currently an accounting student, at Rider University in New Jersey.
Nathalie was accustomed to singing Fado and Pop songs backed with musical playbacks until she was 13 years old, and at that very age was when everything really happened, with an invitation from a Portuguese entrepreneur Mr. Jaime Simões, to sing accompanied by a “Portuguese Guitar” and a “Classical Guitar” for the very first time, in a fado night organized by Mr. Simões at the Portuguese Sporting Club, in Nathalie’s native city of Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
After that night, Nathalie was invited on repeated occasions to sing Pop songs, but she rejected all invitations, because a fadista (Fado singer) was finally born that night.
Accepting all invitations to sing Fado, she performed in many different stages accompanied by great guitarists and other Fadistas learning the essence of Fado on every performance.
The press made favorable commentaries about the young Fadista and a new path was created, opening the way to reach new horizons.
In 2000, at fourteen years old, she was given the chance to perform at a legendary and popular Fado restaurant “Adega Machado” located in Bairro Alto, Lisbon. Although it was a brief performance of only two fados, the young Fadista had the honor to perform with the famous singer Maria José Valério, and to step on the same stage where many great Fadistas from the past had left a priceless mark, including Nathalie’s idol the fado diva and very much missed, the late, ‘Amália Rodrigues’.
Nathalie often performs in the states of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts and has also performed in Ontario, Canada.
Fado will always have a privileged place in Nathalie’s life, and to sing Portugal’s soul music is a pleasure and an honor.